About Seattle Pickleball Leagues

My name is Timm McIntosh and here’s how the Seattle Pickleball League all came about…


In August 2022, after a couple years of hearing from a friend about her playing pickleball, I finally bought some paddles and balls and told my wife that we should give it a try. Not being active people or sports people we set out to give this pickleball thing a try. We had the best time just hitting the ball around badly, not able to keep score, and not sure what we were doing. The next day sitting around we both looked at each other and said, “I really want to go play again” and so we did. We played every day for three weeks straight until our newest obsession was broken up by rain, making us take a day off. In our pickleball journey, we felt welcomed into a growing community playing with any and everyone. We received tips from the veterans of the courts, tips on who to follow on youtube, and we quickly learned and passed those tips onto newcomers to pay the advice forward. My story is not unique, this is the story of a lot of people that come to find the joy of playing pickleball. 

As of January 2024, I have played as much as I can possibly play all across Seattle. Pickleball has brought me new friends, helped me to lose weight, and ultimately feel healthier. It has had a very positive impact on my life and I’ve seen the same for other people that I frequently play with. In my pickleball journey, I have seen there’s something missing in our community and I’ve been searching to find it…a league. An organized way of testing skills in a competitive fashion. I’ve tested out a few leagues in the last year, which has left me unsatisfied for a number of reasons that I hope to resolve with Seattle Pickleball Leagues. 

As the saying goes, "if you think you can do it better, then do better...", which is exactly what I'm setting out to do with these leagues and for this community. I hope you will join me on this journey and we can all continue to get better together. 

The first season is coming up in March 2024 and I hope it’s successful with those participating getting a competitive league, an active community, and new friends to play with of similar skill level. 

Looking forward to seeing you on the court,